Author Login - Filing Contact Data - Up-Load Abstract/Paper

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NEW AUTHOR and Up-Load Abstracts/Papers 
for the next EFCF event

STORE your username (=email) and password !
No Panic & Quality before Stress - If something does not work, e.g. you do not get a confirmation email due input or system errors, spam filters or any reasons... send an email to, so we have recorded you & can solve the case together with the required time.

You are ALREADY an AUTHOR, i.e. you have an EFCF Login

 then for Abstract/Paper Up-Load please performe:

User login

Enter your e-mail address and password here in order to log in on the website:

Forgot your password?

Attention in very busy times, when everybody is up-loading,
you have to be patient by logging in the system and/or
retrieving new password. Await a more quiet phase.