Free Project Meeting Organisation Support Service
Limit your travel and organisational load – Easily arrange your project meeting before and during the next EUROPEAN FUEL CELL FORUM.
As many important international members of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Community participate in the EUROPEAN FUEL CELL FORUM, Monday and Tuesday of the conference week have become more and more established as an ideal opportunity for meetings. Thus take the chance to schedule on those days your meetings for your ongoing projects, set-up of new projects or for other topic related events such as IEA meetings.
To simplify project initiators' and organizers' life and their tasks, we now actively support the organisation of such events for participants and exhibitors. If interested mail to
Ensure the Success of your Meeting by:
• Reduced travel load for you and your partners
• High attendance due to previewed presence at the EFCF event
• The inspiring atmosphere and pleasant environment in Lucerne
Your Meeting is encompassed, visible & optimised.
More Details
Given the presence of so many relevant experts, the opportunity for project meetings and the set-up of new projects is exceptional. Furthermore, the comfortable location of Lucerne offers excellent opportunities to create informal match-making and brokerage events in the evenings. You will have the opportunity to meet with key stakeholders in a relaxed atmosphere, creating the ideal platform for new ideas and projects.
The central location of Lucerne within Europe is readily accessible, and enables those who may not be able to travel solely for a project meeting to attend both the EFCF and your project meeting.
Type of available Meeting Rooms
Rooms to accommodate from 5 to 50 people are available on request, and can be equipped with a projector etc. The reservation as such is free of charge for registered participants and exhibitors at the EFCF 2016. During the course of the EFCF, we also offer a free hotel reservation service.
Most rooms are located in very pleasant Hotels close to the KKL where the EUROPEAN FUEL CELL FORUM takes place. Services start from simple meeting room reservation over coffee breaks, up to and including full day programs. You can even hold your meeting on the top of Mount Pilatus with its inspiring sky line, and return to Lucerne by boat!
For meetings with budget restrictions, there are a few free meeting rooms available at the Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts in Horw, a 6 minute train ride from the Lucerne main station plus a 5 minute walk. There is also the possibility to visit demonstration Project, labs and many furhter technical or non-technical sight.
If you have any questions or like an offer
please send us your request to - Thank you.
Reservations take place on a first come first served basis. In addition, there are special traveling fares available for EFCF participants with various reductions depending on the fare type, route, and space availability on